1312, 2013

When Security Officials Become Outspoken Proponents of Expelling Jews

Former Shin Bet Chief Yuval Diskin has added his name to a long list of once-distinguished security officials who become outspoken proponents of expelling Jews and surrendering Jewish land, in anticipation of their impending entry into politics. as leftist party candidates.

412, 2013

America Abandons Israel

It’s sad, but true. Obama’s pledge not to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons has proven to be another BHO falsehood. Hear David Rubin’s analysis of the Appeasement Deal With Iran on the nationally-syndicated Crosstalk Radio Show!

2510, 2013

Stop Making Excuses for the Terrorist Leadership

David Rubin calls on Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon to fight the resurgent wave of “Palestinian” terrorism that is killing and wounding civilians in Israel’s biblical heartland.

310, 2013

Netanyahu’s Warning : Don’t Be Fooled

David Rubin joins host Jim Schneider and callers for a lively hour discussing the ongoing Iranian nuclear threat in light of the unexpected Obama-Rouhani phone conversation. If Obama thinks that peace is possible with this new Iranian president, why does Rubin call Rouhani “an Islamic wolf in sheep’s clothing”?

1609, 2013

Calling Shiloh Home : Committed to the Promise

Twenty years ago, Israel and the Palestinians signed the Oslo Accords. Since then there have been countless rounds of negotiations, stalemates, terror attacks and still no peace.

2208, 2013

Israel in The New Middle East – Part Two

David’s discussion with Martin Blackham continues in Part Two, which includes the miraculous, inspiring story of how he and his son survived a vicious terrorist attack and how it led to the creation of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund.